

Becky Bradley


Beloved, I am so excited to be joining you in ministry! This is certainly an unprecedented time, but with God’s guidance, we will make the best of things and worship and serve together, even though things may look different than before. Psalm 25:1, 4-5 says, “In you, Lord my God, I put my trust… Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour, and my hope is in you all day long” (NIV). No matter how messy the world is, no matter how badly we mess up individually, we hold true the words of the Psalmist. As we journey together, we will trust in God, and God will lead us and guard us. We will be the church to one-another and the world. 

I’m a cradle Methodist who was born and raised in Baltimore – and yes, I love crabs (the only seafood I eat!) and the Orioles (bless their hearts). I am married to Doug and  we have two children, Mikayla and Andy. As a family, we love traveling, history, and all things Disney. Though I graduated from Duke Divinity School,  I really don’t care about college sports, so the fact that you’ll see me wear a lot of blue and very little red has everything to do with the color I prefer, not the team!  I am passionate about my faith and believe that the best way to love Jesus is to imitate him by loving and serving others. Though my call to ordained ministry took me by surprise, I trust the Spirit to guide me and work through me to reach out to others in the name of Christ. 

Doug is a computer engineer at MetLife. Our daughter, Mikayla, will be off to American University in August, and our son, Andy, will finish middle school next year. Everyone is excited about this new adventure and about getting to know our new church(es) and community.

Music Director

Lynette Overman


Betty Kantzer